Learn about a healthy brain through rhythm! BrainPulse is a 9-week program for schools and young people, using the drum circle as a metaphor to discover the brain and its functions: and how to take care of it.
BRAIN PULSE ~ Online Course
Brain Pulse is a drumming program that teaches kids about the brain and body ensemble and mental health experientially through music and drum circles!
BRAIN PULSE uses the drum circle as a metaphor to discover the brain and its functions: a whole made up of interconnected, specialized parts. Participants will come away with tools to deliver a multi-session program covering topics such as: the brain as an ensemble; neural networks, neuroplasticity, the complementary roles of the "upstairs" and "downstairs" brain; sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems; and the brain-body connection. Students will deepen their understanding of how the brain works, and how to make healthy choices for a lifetime of flourishing brain health!
BRAIN PULSE is designed as an online resource and teaching portal where participants follow a sequenced syllabus which they can complete at their own pace. The different sessions will include videos, lesson plans, activities, resource materials, trivia, virtual support, networking, and more. As time progresses, we will be adding additional sessions to the portal to continue to enhance the learning experience. WHAT'S INCLUDED?
Access to the online BRAIN PULSE Portal, and your Personal Portal Page, so you can learn on your own time, at your own pace.
All of this emerges through a series of specially adapted rhythm games and beautifully crafted musical development pieces, from three of the world's expert music educators. Gain new ideas, refresh your practice and open up new musical, business, and neurological possibilities!
For Details, pricing and registration visit: http://music4wellness.com/marketplace.html#!/Brain-Pulse-Facilitator-Training/p/513715177
For more information contact rhythmalberta@gmail.com
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